Premium Wellness Vacation by Prime Geo Leisurecorp
Prime Geo offers in an exclusive partnership with Absolute Sanctuary, a variety of rejuvenation programs and training related to wellness, yoga, weight management, and many more that help you realign and reorient yourself in a peaceful and serene surrounding. You actually reinvent yourself far away from the hustle and bustle of your routine stressful life. And just to add here, the Absolute Sanctuary retreat offers plenty of food options, too! You can choose a program as small as of 3 days to something that runs for 2-3 weeks or even more.
Do join Prime Geo Leisurecorp in your journey towards a healthy living.

Premium Wellness Vacation in Koh Samui
A stay in a wellness retreat is an experience in itself. As the name aptly suggests, the retreat heals your mind, body, and soul in a safe, stimulating, and relaxing environment. If you are looking for a premium wellness vacation for detox, de-stress, mind & body rejuvenation and weight management then Absolute Sanctuary is the best choice.
Reconnect | Recharge | Revitalize | Reenergize

What special treatment Absolute Sanctuary provides you.
Detox Spa De-Stress & Burnout Women’s Holistic
Men’s Vitality Sleep Well Rest & Rebalance Yoga
Mindfulness Meaningful Holiday Fitness Weight Management
Pilates Boot Camp Body Realignment Lifestyle Change