Did someone say staycation? Yes, the ultimate staycation is something that must have crossed all of our minds especially in the midst of this pandemic which has brought the world to its knees.

Why is a staycation ideal?
With border traffic being limited, cities being on lockdown and travel advisories being updated ever so often to limit travel from certain destinations staying safe has become an issue of paramount importance. Having a staycation can be done at a moment’s notice and it can give you greater control when it comes to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.
This is just the tip of the iceberg! You can make it as intimate or as large as you want to with the people you love or you can choose to let it be your personal time for you- you decide! What’s even better is that you should not let it include work and it can also be done on a low budget!

Showing Staycation beach fun
In reality the beauty of a staycation is that you don’t have to travel far and you can do your planning as per your convenience. Having the ultimate staycation experience means using the opportunity to further appreciate home on a deeper level- home as in where you live, home as in your community, and home as in the country where you reside.
But how exactly do we plan for the ultimate staycation?
All in all the ultimate staycation in the midst of this pandemic requires a perfect blend of key ingredients, all of which are needed in just the right amount. In essence it means relaxation and rejuvenation with an opportunity to have fun, stay safe and whet your appetite with savory mouth-watering treats.

A staycation idea
So how exactly can you create a staycation at home?
Your home should be a haven. It should be your sanctuary where you can unwind and be more comfortable than anywhere else. In planning a staycation at home ask yourself what exactly you will enjoy. Then do exactly that because it means you are well on your way to creating those memorable moments you need to break the monotony of being stuck in a pandemic.
Whether it is pitching a tent in the backyard to going camping and enjoying a night under the stars you should make it happen and it is something you should be looking forward to. You can have a cookout with friends and family, or do a series of activities that are specifically chosen for you and your family to enjoy. Embrace the laughter and let it be an avenue to create happy memories!

Showing Staycation family fun
What does a staycation in your community mean?
As mentioned a staycation can also be enjoyed in your community. If you are the adventurous type or one who loves exploring can you imagine what you can do? It can be downtime to visit nearby places you will enjoy or even a chance to play tourist in your town. Use the time to visit places you don’t often visit and places that will allow opportunities for sight-seeing, relaxation and fun! It may be a park or perhaps even the beach. Dress up, go out and have fun!
How possible is having a staycation in the country where you live?
A staycation in the country where you live can mean going on a day trip and exploring. It can range from one day to a couple of days and can include several different leisurely activities. If your plans include being away from home, decide on a place that is affordable but also one that offers a warm and inviting ambience. Having a staycation in your country allows you to visit various places of interest and it also allows you to participate in various activities that you may not have had the time to try.
Even more interesting is letting it be an opportunity where you can try events that you may not have ordinarily thought of doing.
With all of these factors being mentioned certainly you can see how a staycation in the midst of a pandemic is possible. Whether you are on a budget or you are alone or have company, you can create the ultimate staycation and enjoy the downtime you so urgently need! It is yours for the taking so have fun!